Cuyahoga County to spend $204,000 for solar shades at Juvenile Justice Center

Cuyahoga County’s Juvenile Justice Center has a lot of windows – and they will soon have solar shades. (Marvin Fong, The Plain Dealer)
By Karen Farkas,
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cuyahoga County will spend $204,000 to add 536 solar shades to windows of the six-year-old Juvenile Justice Center.
Officials conducted a performance review last year and determined that the sun coming in the south and west windows created too much heat and was straining the air conditioning system, said county spokeswoman Mary Louise Madigan.
Windows on the nine-story courthouse and detention center will receive EcoGreen shades from Albert Herman Draperies Inc. in Bedford. The county had bought shades in the past from the company for other buildings, including the county administration building.
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Cuyahoga County to spend $204,000 for solar shades at Juvenile Justice Center