Home Theatre Specialists
Home Theatre projects are not complete without attention giving to light and glare control, as well as ambient noise and general acoustics. Windows in a home cinema can create problems that only well designed window treatments can solve. We are the experts you need to help solve such dilemmas. We offer a complete, professional turn-key service that can work under your company’s umbrella.
Our team of qualified designers will work with you or your client to determine the right solution. We’ll handle all the details from there, including product fabrication, motorization and electrical requirements – all coordinated to work with your automation control systems.
Our services include:
- Free quotation & Free Consultation Appointment.
- Ask about our budgeting, pre-planning and pre-construction recommendations for future projects.
- We welcome challenges – you specify it and we will design it
- Sketches, wiring diagrams, technical information and specifications furnished if necessary
- Quality workmanship on all window treatments from basic to designer to “one of a kind”
- Your fabric or ours available for all styles
- Job scheduling to fit your schedule with Certified Expert Installation
- We travel statewide, including Southern Wisconsin, Northern Indiana, and Lower Michigan
- Trade discounts applied on all window covering products