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SolarTrac® The ultimate WindowManagement® system

An intelligent controller that:Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 4.37.09 PM

• adjusts the shade positions—minute-by-minute, 7/24/365.

• tracks the sun and adjusts the shade positions automatically.

• maximizes occupant views to the outside.

• provides natural light for occupant well-being.

• diminishes direct sunlight and glare.

• optimizes dimmable-light systems to reduce energy cost—as much as 70% savings.

• assures uniformity of the view on a building’s façade.

• offers an optional Brightness-Override Module and a Shadow-Override Module.


Three solar sensors on the roof determine if it is clear, cloudy, or bright/overcast.

Local switches can override the system. It regains control at 5 a.m. the following day.

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